This is a simple, slightly random photo that I've always liked. I took it in Puerto Madryn in Patagonia two and a half years ago. Between finishing grad school and starting my job, I wandered around Argentina for a month or so, working on my Spanish/taking pictures/being fed and shown around by extremely hospitable family friends. It was great...
I was in Puerto Madryn for most of a day after spending several days on Peninsula Valdez, where I saw whales, guanacos, sea elephants, birds of an undetermined sort. I'm not great with the wildlife photography, so most of the shots I actually like from the trip are more like this one.
I took the bus back to Buenos Aires from Madryn...of course, the bus left at about midnight, so I spent all day wandering around on the beach and eating cake and drinking tea. I have since learned that all cama ejecutivo (and variants) tickets are *not* created alike. Stupid frugal Madeline made a point of finding the *cheapest* ejecutivo ticket...and thus I spent 20 hours watching Liar Liar dubbed into Spanish, Russian mafia type movie, and Flight 93, all on an endless loop. Next time, I'm spending the extra
five bucks and taking Chevalier.